We have a number of Easter Services taking place at St. Paul's and at our partner churches, please note the locations of the services. For more information please email stpaulschestergreen@gmail.com
At St. Paul's:
Palm Sunday 24th March
Soul Sunday 10am
All age café style service in the church hall.
3:33 Church 3:30pm
Interactive service aimed at toddlers and young children in the church hall including bible stories, activities, songs and prayers.
Good Friday 29th March
Easter Garden Service 3.30pm
Come and make an Easter Garden to take home and hear the Easter Story, all ages welcome
Easter Sunday 31st March
Holy Communion Service 10am
Celebrate Jesus rising from the dead and hear how it still matters to us all today
Maundy Thursday 28th March
St Alkmund's Church, Kedleston Road , DE22 1GU
Tenebrae Service 7:30pm
Good Friday 29th March
St John’s, Mill Street, DE1 3HZ
Hour at the Cross Service 2pm
Quiet, reflective service looking at Jesus’ death on the cross
Good Friday 29th March
St Alkmund's Church, Kedleston Road , DE22 1GU
Reflective Arts Service 7:30pm
Saturday 30th March 2024
St Alkmund's Church, Kedleston Road , DE22 1GU
Holy Saturday Hot Cross Buns and Crafts 10:30am -12:30pm