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Sunday Mornings

Services at 10am

On most Sundays we have a service of Holy Communion which happens in the main church building. All are welcome, toys and a table with craft activities for children are available every week. It would be great to get to know you more over refreshments after the service. If you'd like to know more about coming to church see our frequently asked questions page or email


Our pattern of services is:


1st Sunday of the month

Traditional Holy Communion Service


2nd Sunday of the month

Contemplative Communion Serivce


3rd Sunday of the month

Soul Sanctuary

A service of conversation around tables that finishes with Holy Communion. 


4th Sundays

Soul Sunday

A cafe style service which happens in the church hall with lots of interaction and discussion around the tables. Refreshments are available throughout the service.


5th Sundays

We vary what happens on a 5th Sunday and usually meet jointly with one of our partner churches, St. Alkmund's. Keep an eye on our social media channels for what is happening or email

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©2024 by St. Paul's Chester Green.

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